Emerson College had recently opened two theater spaces in Boston and had no subscribers or audience lists. During the recent recession, Fresh Sound gave “add-on” grants for capacity-building in response to the hard times when non-profits tend to “starve” themselves. Capacity-building could include marketing, audience surveys, strategic planning grants, board retreats and social media. Emerson used $3000 to make a YouTube video of a “flash mob” of their college students dancing in Faneuil Hall in Boston to promote their spoof on the Sound of Music. The two-minute video went viral, with now over 30,000 hits. The theater run was sold out when it opened ten days later.
One of ArtsEmerson’s primary missions is to promote on-going relationships over several years with innovative theater companies and artists. Their residencies at Emerson are opportunities not only to develop new work, but to involve themselves intimately with the Emerson community: taking advantage of our remarkable theater facilities, imparting their experience to our students and faculty in Performing Arts and other areas, and also engaging with the Boston community.