
We believe in the power of arts and culture to move hearts and minds in the pursuit of equity and justice in society. Artists and culture bearers are essential in inspiring community engagement, celebrating difference and advancing narrative change in support of a democracy that works for all.

Our grants support arts organizations and cultural leaders who promote dialogue across difference and utilize different forms of art and creative expression to hold space for complex conversations across diverse groups. We support theater, music, narrative-change, and other forms that illuminate a multi-racial and ethnically diverse society. And, we understand and care about resources and partnership support for artists and arts organizations that enhances resilience in a post-pandemic era.

Current Grantee Partners include:

Artists at Work ArtsEmerson: Gaining Ground FundNext Stage Arts Yellow Barn – Music Haul Flip SideThe Jar


What we fund: Arts – Climate & Environmental JusticeCivic Engagement & Voting RightsFamily Passions