People are not separate from the earth but rather part of it — a foundational tenet of Indigenous communities and modern sustainability principles. The human-caused harms of carbon and other forms of pollution, combined with the exploitation of resources and at-risk communities, illuminates the destructive, false paradigm that natural resources exist solely in service of man. Further, centuries of unbridled use of fossil fuels have caused our planet to warm, sea levels rise, extreme weather events, severe heat, draught, wildfires – to increase at unprecedented rates, with the most devasting impacts on socially vulnerable communities and communities of color.
Fresh Sound currently supports the following interventions and strategies that promote:
- Climate innovation
- Equitable access to clean energy benefits
- Climate communications & accountability
- Community engagement and empowerment
- Food and water equity
- Intersection of science and democracy
Current Grantee Partners include:
What we fund: Arts – Climate & Environmental Justice – Civic Engagement & Voting Rights – Family Passions